I have tried every calendar out there. A lot of them are very good. There are a couple I really like. However this one I actually use. After all a calendar is to help keep the laziest creature on the earth, us humans organized. Therefor we must admit we are just that. Lazy( or how I like to put it, we look for the easiest way to do something. That also means smart. ) This calendar works the way my brain does. Example: if I think of something I need to do or schedule I just throw it in the "someday" area. I dont need to think too much about it just as long as it is in there. Thats the most important. Then, because the app is so likeable I go in there often. While Im there I schedule a few things. It just makes sense how it is laid out. Imagine how it will work for those of you who dont have faults such as being lazy. It is new and there are a couple things it will get with updates.
Try it and give it a few days and you will like it Im sure.
Frozen Poo about Glass Planner, v1.5.1